Remote Language Interpreting

Arranging Interpreters for DJUSD Staff

For Staff planning interpreted meetings, IEPs, etc.

  • If a meeting will be more than one hour:

    • There must be two interpreters scheduled for the meeting;

    • They must change every 20 minutes;

    • A break of at least 2 minutes should happen every hour. This is for the wellbeing of all participants, as well as the interpreters.

  • Interpreters must be selected from the list of interpreters in the district who have had 40+ hours of training and IDEALLY who have at least 2 hours of documented, specific remote interpreting professional development (which Kate Snow is currently tracking.

  • Providing IEP documents in advance (at least 3-5 days before meeting)

  • Contact Kate Snow for assistance finding an interpreter.

For Interpreters

For Interpreters

  • Get Ready: working computer(not older than 3 years), headset(noise canceling), neutral background, clean environment, lighting, internet speed,

  • The meeting participants should have their screen set to “gallery view”, NOT speaker view. This is that whoever is speaking can see the interpreter and will know if the interpreter needs clarification or for the speakers to slow down, or even if the audio cuts off and someone needs to signal the speaker to stop.

  • Hand signals or announcements in mini boards should be explained during the pre-session.

  • Ask for titles of invitees(put title with name on the screen)

  • Destroy notes you take during sessions