Develop a Communication Plan
What communication models did I use with students and families before closure?
Will these need to change to substitute for face-to-face time with students?
How will I work with counselors, Special Education staff, English Learner Specialists, etc?
Communicate with students early and often to give them information about changes to your course.
Let students know how often they can expect to hear from you (e.g., daily, weekly, etc.), and through what channels; will you call, email them or their parents, etc.?
Tell students how they can communicate with you (e.g., email, text through “remind” or leave a comment somewhere).
Inform students of your hopes for attendance and how they can participate if they can’t make your “live” moments under your modified teaching plan.
Provide a weekly checklist can keep students organized and on track: checklist should include each of the activities for the week: readings, class discussions, mini-assignments, project scaffolding, and so on. Staff can also use the checklists to make sure that feedback has been given where and when appropriate.